2018 Contract Committee Nominees

The following is a list of the nominees for each of the Contract Committee positions:

Committee Position Candidate Home Branch Acclaimed?
Atlantic Towers Peter Bryant Moncton Tower Acclaimed
Gander ACC Wayne Badcock Gander ACC Acclaimed
Moncton ACC Scott Turner Moncton ACC Acclaimed
Bilingual Towers Jayson Garayt Montreal Dorval Tower Acclaimed
Montreal ACC Jonathan Daoust Montreal ACC Acclaimed
Central Towers Matthew Lo Hamilton Tower Acclaimed
Toronto ACC & Tower Ilija Josipovic Toronto ACC Vote needed
Paul Berry Toronto ACC
Kevin Gauthier Toronto ACC
Scott Sheppard Toronto Tower
Prairie Towers David Hartwick Springbank Tower Vote needed
Chad Wassing Winnipeg Tower
Edmonton ACC Mike Loftus Edmonton ACC Vote needed
Tony Zaychuk Edmonton ACC
Winnipeg ACC Jeff Timmy Winnipeg ACC Acclaimed
Pacific Towers Steven Pawluk Pitt Meadows Tower Acclaimed
Vancouver ACC and Tower Ian Willoughby Vancouver ACC Vote needed
Jeff Nicholson Vancouver ACC
Non-control positions Timothy Waldroff Ottawa TSC Acclaimed


Voting for those four (4) positions not acclaimed will open Friday, June 15, 2018 (12:00 ET) and close Wednesday, June 20, 2018 (12:00 ET).

Please note:

  • Voting will be electronic
  • Voting by proxy is not permitted
  • Results will be released Wednesday, June 20, 2018
  • Branches will receive their voting packages Thursday, June 7, 2018 via their RVP
    • Voting procedures
    • Q&A
    • Voter’s list and list of members with no email/membership card on file

On behalf of the Elections Committee,


Doug Best
Executive Vice President


Click here for the PDF.

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