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Conseil d’administration : Président, EVP, 5 RVP- Nominations des candidats & Acclamations

April 18, 2022

Executive Board: President, EVP, 5 RVPs – Candidate Nominations & Acclamations

The nomination period for the Executive Board positions has closed. The following nominations have been received and validated.

President: The following member has been nominated for the position

  • Nick von Schoenberg, VR Tower
    • Nick has been acclaimed to the President position and will continue in his current role.

Executive Vice President: The following member has been nominated for the position

  • Scott Loder, EG ACC
    • Scott has been acclaimed to the Executive Vice President position and will continue in his current role.

Candidates – Regional Vice President

Central Region

  • Gordon Howe, YZ ACC
  • Chris Kenny, YZ ACC
  • Timothy Waldroff, OW TSC

NOTE: Electronic voting for the Central Regional Vice President position will begin May 9, 2022 at 12:00 ET and close May 13, 2022 at 12:00 ET.  Voting packages and procedures for this electronic vote will be distributed by April 25, 2022.

Pacific Region

  • Chris Chapieski, VR ACC
  • David Johnson, VR Tower
  • Andrew Worthington, VR Tower

NOTE: Electronic voting for the Pacific Regional Vice President position will begin May 9, 2022 at 12:00 ET and close May 13, 2022 at 12:00 ET.  Voting packages and procedures for this electronic vote will be distributed by April 25, 2022.

Acclamations – Regional Vice Presidents

Atlantic Region
Ian Thomson, QM ACC

  • Ian has been acclaimed to the Atlantic Region RVP position and will continue in his current role.

St-Laurent Region
Benoit Vachon, UL ACC

  • Benoit has been acclaimed to the St-Laurent RVP position and will continue in his current role.

Prairie Region
Jerry Brodt, EG ACC

  • Jerry has been acclaimed to the Prairie RVP position and will continue in his current role.

CATCA congratulates and thanks the acclaimed candidates, and looks forward to their continued contributions to the Board and to the well-being of the Union as a whole.

In solidarity,

Andre Martel

Elections Committee Chair

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