Our new website (www.catca.ca) generated a lot of traffic over the first weekend. As expected, there were some technical issues and we have been working to correct those as they are identified. Thank you for your patience as we continue to improve the new site. Please be sure to clear your browser cache because this can sometimes prevent the most updated version of a website loading after a domain name transfer.
We are still in the process of correcting translation errors, and this should be completed soon.
Please reach out if you have technical issues or comments regarding content to josh@catca.ca.
Our new mobile app for iPhone and Android is fully developed and pending release from Apple and Google Play. This app will have the option to receive notifications, and alerts when there is new information to be viewed on our website. We will advise members as soon as it is available for download.
Thanks again for your patience as we continue to make improvements and for your support along the way.
On Behalf of the Executive Board;
Nick von
Scott Loder
Executive Vice President