Self Funded Leave Program

After receiving several complaints about the self-funded leave program, the CATCA Board of Directors recently reviewed the policy guidelines and found numerous problems. The guidelines were unclear, ambiguous, and confusing. This has caused our members to file many complaints and, in some cases, has triggered grievances. Your Board of Directors carefully weighed the risks of going to arbitration and having a third party decide the fate of the self-funded leave program. As a result, work was undertaken to negotiate a set of guidelines with NAV Canada that would be clear and fair to all members.

Attached is the result of that work. These guidelines clearly set out the rules governing self-funded leave and the application process. The guidelines contain some changes from the previous program, the most notable being that members may now only use self-funded leave a maximum of three times during their career. The CATCA Board of Directors sought to find resolution to problems that existed while still preserving the intent of the program and we are confident we have done that. The new guidelines will protect this important program for all CATCA members on a go-forward basis.

These guidelines take effect immediately with one exception. Any member who has already taken self-funded leave three or more times will be allowed one more opportunity to do so during his or her career.

Any member having questions or concerns about any changes to the self-funded leave program should contact their Regional Vice President.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

Peter Duffey               Doug Best
President                    Executive Vice President

Click here for PDF.

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