April 24, 2020
Pay Action Resulting From Referendum Vote
As communicated in the B&F released April 11, CATCA members have voted in favour of delaying the retroactive payment that has arisen from the settling of the collective agreement. Additionally, members have voted in favour of granting permission to NAV Canada to defer payment of this year’s salary increase which was implemented April 1, 2020.
Because the April 1, 2020 3% salary increase was already enacted on pay, it will be removed for the pay period commencing April 30, 2020. The pay members receive on April 29 will still include the 3% increase. Please note, there will be no recovery on any monies paid up to and including April 29th as a result of the 3% increase. Retroactivity at the end of the deferral period will be from April 30th onwards.
We again remind the membership that any member who retires during the payment deferral period will have their pension and severance entitlements calculated as if the 3% increase was in place April 1, 2020. In addition, the retroactive salary payment for the period April 1, 2019 through March 4, 2020 and the retroactive salary from April 30, 2020 through to their retirement date will be paid along with any other end of career payments.
For information on this and some other important topics, please a video message from President Peter Duffey here.
On Behalf of the Executive Board;
Peter Duffey Doug Best
President Executive Vice President
Click here for the PDF.