Mandatory COVID-19 Screening Tool

March 18, 2021

Mandatory COVID-19 Screening Tool

There have been many negative comments received about the implementation of the COVID-19 Screening tool which will be effective, and Mandatory, as of March 22, 2021 at 6am local time.

We understand that it is being viewed by many as frustrating to have to adhere to this tool after a full year of no such requirement. It is certainly a sudden change to protocol. CATCA raised the same concerns you are expressing and were advised that NAV Canada feels this is necessary in order to provide a safe working environment for all employees.

As a result of our inquiries, CATCA was provided a draft of the National Ops Directive prior to distribution to our Membership and did have an opportunity to make suggestions, upon which, NAV Canada did make some alterations. One of those changes was to allow Members, as their first option, the ability to fill out the questionnaire upon arrival at work rather than having to complete it on your own time prior to entering the workplace. That option is still available should you choose to do so.

While you may not agree with it, we strongly encourage you to ensure you fill it out as you enter the facility for each shift. And of course, if you have any COVID symptoms per the protocols, please do not come to work as usual. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact NAV Canada management for further clarification on the steps they plan to take should you be unable to report that you are not experiencing any of the symptoms listed in the questionnaire.

Remember that it is your duty as a license holder to protect and exercise the rights of your license within the parameters of the Collective Agreement.

On Behalf of the Executive Board;

Doug Best                                                        Scott Loder
President                                                         Executive Vice President

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