July 14, 2021
Flexible Work Arrangements
In the June 30th edition of NAV Canada Now (and elsewhere), all employees who currently work from home were instructed to complete a form on Workday indicating whether they wish to request a Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA). Completion of this form is marked as mandatory and must be completed no later than July 16, 2021. If no request for an FWA is received, management assumes that the employee intends to return to the workplace at the appropriate time.
CATCA has not been consulted on this program. The Union has several questions about the program, such as; which positions may be eligible, the method of selection of participants, and the duration of the program. Members have also raised questions to the Executive Board (EB) about other relevant considerations.
This program could benefit CATCA Members, and we know that some are interested in participating. But we also want to ensure that all the foreseeable issues are addressed before our Members commit to participating and that their questions are answered as fully as possible. Nevertheless, NAV Canada has indicated a willingness to discuss the program, and we will engage with them in the near future.
In the meantime, the survey posted on Workday is not mandatory, and the stated deadline of Friday, July 16, 2021, is not applicable at this time. Before any deadline is agreed, the Union will first complete consultations with the Company, including when and how members can indicate an interest in participating and any related terms and conditions.
More information will be provided as soon as possible.
On Behalf of the Executive Board;
Doug Best Scott Loder
President Executive Vice President
Click here to access the PDF.