Dissolution of the Young Controllers Council (YCC)

After careful consideration and thoughtful discussion with the Board of Directors, the decision has been made to dissolve the Young Controllers Council (YCC).

The YCC’s objective has been to provide insight to the National Executive and raise interest in our Union among young members. While valuable input has been provided over the years, the Board of Directors has determined it is time to refocus our energies and resources on new ideas and initiatives to engage all CATCA members.

In spite this decision, it is important to stress that in order for us to work as hard as possible on your behalf, we continue to need to know what’s important to you. We encourage all members, especially our new controllers, to share their insights, challenges and everyday observations with their Branch Chair, Steward or RVP who will share that information with us.

We sincerely thank each current and past YCC member for their time and continued support to the welfare of the Union.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


Peter Duffey                            Doug Best
President                                 Executive Vice President


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