April 2, 2019
On August 30, 2018, a B&F was issued regarding an arbitration decision concerning the application of TOIL hours under the CLC going forward. At that time, CATCA communicated to its membership the change would take place on April 1, 2019. We also made it clear that we had asked NAV Canada to immediately implement the change. No objection to the April 1 implementation date was indicated by NAV Canada.
At the beginning of March 2019, NAV Canada informed CATCA that they intended to delay the implementation of the award until the end of collective bargaining. CATCA disagreed with their position and requested the matter of the implementation date be referred back to Arbitrator Keller who originally wrote the award.
CATCA and NAV Canada argued their case to Arbitrator Keller last week, and on Saturday, March 30, 2019, a written decision on the implementation date was delivered to us. The decision can be read here.
The arbitrator has ruled that the current practice of how TOIL hours are handled under the CLC will remain unchanged until the end of collective bargaining.
On behalf of the Executive Board,
Peter Duffey Doug Best
President Executive Vice President
Click here for the PDF.