May 3, 2021
CATCA Safety Occurrence Reporting Update
Last month, in an effort to gather information about questionable and unsafe practices occurring within the ANS system, CATCA initiated the online Safety Occurrence Reporting Process. (Link to form). The CATCA EB would like to thank the members who have taken the time to submit their concerns.
Submissions to date have identified three main themes – NAV Canada’s policy of running the operation short to avoid paying overtime regardless of traffic levels and the implementation of fatigue rules, specifically during midnight operations, without meaningful consultation and input from CATCA and the membership. In addition, while CATCA acknowledges the importance of COVID protocols, our members have real concerns concerning the company’s latest policy of wearing masks in position without regard for its effect on air safety. All submissions are highlighted with a frustration of members feeling unheard and ignored.
It is evident that NAV Canada continues to ignore safety concerns brought to their attention by CATCA members. The Company continues to unilaterally move forward with implementing policies which affect our members and ultimately the safety of the flying public, all without appropriate input from operational staff. We need to continue to put a spotlight on these disturbing actions.
It is essential that members continue to fill in the safety occurrences reporting form. Without documentation of safety violations or concerns, it is difficult to challenge the Company. This data collection is imperative as we move forward with raising the concerns internally as well as with external authorities.
Be reminded that personal information provided on the form, such as name, phone number and e-mail addresses, is kept confidential. This information will only be released in extreme circumstances where CATCA or a regulating body requires further clarification, and only after the member’s permission to do so.
We will continue to hold NAV Canada accountable for its inappropriate actions concerning the safety of our ANS, which can best be done with supporting documentation from our membership. CATCA members can provide this support by completing the online reporting form should you witness any situation in which NAV Canada is making decisions that affect the safe and efficient provision of Air Traffic Control Services. Not only do we need to know the issue exists, but it is also imperative to know how widespread the problem is. Therefore, it is important to report instances every time they occur.
Click here to access the form and please note that submissions can be made from mobile devices.
On Behalf of the Executive Board;
Doug Best Scott Loder
President Executive Vice President
Click here for the PDF.