CATCA Bargaining Bulletin #8

The CATCA Bargaining Committee met with NAV Canada from March 27th to March 31st in Ottawa.

On Monday, NAV Canada presented their Offer to Settle, which is their comprehensive economic package and proposed amendments to the Collective Agreement. On Tuesday, your CATCA team shared our own Offer to Settle. The rest of the week was spent trying to find common ground between the two. At the conclusion of the week, progress on a few issues was achieved however, it is important to note that both sides remain far apart on other items of significant importance to our members.

We understand the membership’s desire to have a new collective agreement in place before the expiry of the current one, but the reality is the scope and gravity of the negotiations require further debate, and significant work remains. Your bargaining committee is committed to bringing forward the best collective agreement possible and will continue to work until that is achieved. Members are reminded that all previous agreements settled after expiry dates were fully retroactive and it is our intention to continue that precedent.

In addition, CATCA’s legal team continues to negotiate a Maintenance of Activities Agreement (MOAA) in the event an agreement cannot be reached. An MOAA dictates the levels of service that must be provided in the event of strike or lockout. It’s important to note that we are not in a legal strike position at this point.

As always, all discussions and proposals must remain confidential until an agreement is reached.

The next round of bargaining is scheduled for April 17th to April 21st in Toronto.

On behalf of the Contract Committee,

Nick von Schoenberg                                                                       Scott Loder

President                                                                                           Executive Vice President

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