August 3, 2021
ATC Premium Update
The COVID-19 pandemic has strongly affected the aviation sector and along with Government imposed travel restrictions there has been a significant decline in air traffic. This has not remained the case for some of our General Aviation airports where traffic is already reaching, and in several cases, exceeding 2019 traffic levels.
With uncertainty surrounding a recovery to traffic levels, CATCA entered discussions with the company about the effect this extended downturn would have on ATC Premiums (ATCP) and our members. It was recognized that there will be a severe impact on ATCP and an agreement with the Union was reached to freeze ATCP for all Towers and ACC’s until traffic levels reach or exceed 2019 levels, in exchange for some financial support, for three years, for the increase in ATC premium recently earned by Moncton ACC.
Details are as follows:
- All traffic, Sustained Traffic Index (STI) calculations and ATCP levels will be frozen for all Towers, and ACC’s until a Tower or an ACC matches or exceeds its 2019 traffic numbers. Negotiated economic increases as per the Collective Agreement will continue.
- When in a calendar year, and a Tower or ACC matches or exceeds their unit traffic levels for 2019, their three-year average and three-year average STI will begin to be calculated again.
- The new calculations will be based on the 2018 and 2019 traffic numbers and the traffic numbers for the year the unit first equals or exceeds the 2019 traffic levels, rather than using traffic numbers from the three consecutive previous years.
- The second year of the new calculations will include the traffic numbers from 2019, the year which triggered the new calculations, and the following year.
- Standard calculations will resume in the third year. The traffic from the first year that traffic matched or exceeded the levels in 2019 and the traffic levels for the two subsequent years.
The impact of the pandemic on our sector is temporary but the adverse effects on member’s pay and pensions would have been felt over a much longer term. RVP’s will be in contact with local Branch Executives to discuss details for dissemination.
In Solidarity,
Doug Best Scott Loder
President Executive Vice President
Click here for the PDF.