Extension of Protocols for COVID Related Sick Leave Absences

January 28, 2022

Extension of Protocols for COVID Related Sick Leave Absences

As you may be aware, CATCA and NAV Canada signed a Letter of Understanding on March 11, 2020, that allowed members to exceed the annual limit of ten (10) uncertified sick days and removed the necessity of a sick note (blue form) in almost all instances, as per Article 24.03(b).

On September 22, 2021, NAV Canada provided CATCA with the required 15-day notice. According to NAV Canada’s interpretation, the terms of that LOU were rescinded on October 6, 2021, implementing the terms of 24.03(b) retroactively to April 1, 2021. There was disagreement whether uncertified days already taken by members counted towards the limit of 10 uncertified days for the leave year. CATCA filed a grievance on the employer’s interpretation.

On December 21, 2021, NAV Canada implemented new COVID-related sick leave absences protocols, which were first effective until January 17, 2022, and then extended to February 17, 2022. With the leave year ending on March 31, 2022, CATCA entered further discussion with NAV Canada regarding the current extension and our grievance. During these discussions, both parties agreed that NAV Canada would extend the terms of the existing protocols for absences related to COVID-19 symptoms until the end of the leave year, March 31, 2022.

The agreement has made the grievance filed by CATCA moot, and we have withdrawn the Sick

Leave Grievance.

We hope to work with the company to provide clear direction and protocols for the upcoming leave year beginning April 1, 2022.

On behalf of the Executive Board,

Doug Best                                                    Scott Loder
President                                                     Executive Vice President

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