Call for CATCA Classification Working Group Members

April 21, 2021

Call for CATCA Classification Working Group Members

With the recent election of Gord Howe to the Central RVP position, and the retirement of long-standing Classification Working Group member Randy Hepner, CATCA is putting out a call to fill these vacated positions. CATCA would like to take this opportunity to thank Gord for his continued service as part of the Classification Working Group, while moving forward in his new role as Central RVP, and to also congratulate Randy on his retirement and thank him for his years of service on the Working Group and his many years of service to CATCA.

Following these recent changes, two (2) volunteer positions on the CATCA Classification Working Group have recently become vacant for new appointments. The Executive Board is looking to fill one (1) volunteer full member and one (1) volunteer alternate member. The volunteer alternate member will participate in the Classification Working Group in an orientation/shadow role for a minimum of one year, eventually replacing a current volunteer member.

Strong, effective working groups are the most productive tools within our Association – helping to serve our members’ needs through group problem-solving. It is essential that as terms on working groups rotate, all members are up-to-speed with current projects.

Any member wishing to be considered for appointment to this working group should forward a letter of intent as well as a resume to:

Scott Loder
Executive Vice President

All applications must be received by Friday, May 21st, by 12:00 ET.

If you have any further questions, please contact your Regional Vice President.

On Behalf of the Executive Board;

Doug Best                                                                                           Scott Loder
President                                                                                            Executive Vice President

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