April 21, 2021
Member Weekly Update – Edition #14
Please find the latest edition of weekly updates to the membership about ongoing Union business.
CATCA and NAV Canada began Arbitration hearings in early April with respect to the grievances filed under Articles 4, 31, 32 and 33. Those hearings will continue later this week. At the same time, CATCA has advised the Company that we are open to continuing talks about solutions in conjunction with the arbitration. Relevant information will be communicated to Members as it becomes available; we continue to prepare for the next meeting and update Members accordingly.
Traffic levels in the ACCs and the larger units remain low. While this continues to harm the Company’s financial position, decreased traffic volumes are not the case everywhere. Many towers across the country continue to see increases in traffic and are experiencing levels which rival, and in some cases exceed, those of 2019. At the same time, these units are struggling with understaffing with no relief on the horizon.
The severe negative impact of the pandemic on overall traffic numbers and the financial pressures it has created have overshadowed this situation in many respects. Still, we want members to understand that their efforts and struggles are recognized and appreciated. Being asked to do more than ever, with fewer resources than ever during a pandemic, is no small challenge. We commend our brothers and sisters in all of those units who continue to rise to the challenge daily.
We continue to encourage members to speak with one another, contact your RVP, and/or utilize EAP services to obtain additional support click here or here.
On Behalf of the Executive Board;
Doug Best Scott Loder
President Executive Vice President
Click here for the PDF.