COVID-19 Union Update #6

April 4, 2020

COVID-19 Union Update #6

First and foremost, we hope this communique finds you and your family healthy. These are extremely trying and stressful times and we want to take a moment to remind everyone that feelings of despair, frustration and fear are normal when we are under stress, and these are stressful times.  All members are reminded we have peers ready to provide support through our Critical Incident Stress Management, Light The Way teams, and professional counselling is available through the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP). If you need someone to talk to, please reach out.

The CATCA Executive Board has received many questions from members about what NAV Canada is doing to minimize costs. Those questions have spiked in recent days after the request from NAV Canada to defer payment on salary increases and retroactive salary payments.  We pass this on as information.

  • NAV Canada Senior Management have taken a 5 – 10% permanent salary cut
  • All capital expenditure projects to be delayed where possible
  • Non-essential contractors have been laid off
  • Summer student and summer camp programs are cancelled
  • Scholarship programs cancelled
  • Hiring freeze in effect
  • Delay of project work such as implantation of workday 2.0
  • Engagement survey cancelled
  • All non-essential travel prohibited

These measures are just the beginning as NAV Canada grapples with cost containment. Air Canada has indicated a 90% reduction to their schedule in the coming months, West Jet has made similar announcements. Porter has temporarily suspended operations. These are NAV Canada’s three biggest domestic customers and the effect on revenues will be severe. In CATCA’s opinion, rate increases for our services going forward will be a foregone conclusion.

As cost cutting measures continue, we want to inform our members that there has been no talk of layoffs for CATCA members to date. Article 33 of the collective agreement requires NAV Canada to give 6 months’ notice of any staff they wish to declare surplus and to date, no notice has been given.

Again, we thank you all for your professionalism, your dedication and your sacrifice as we continue to keep Canada moving.

On Behalf of the Executive Board;

Peter Duffey                                                                     Doug Best
President                                                                          Executive Vice President

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