Hours of Work and Premiums for Spares and Standby

April 1, 2020

Hours of Work and Premiums for Spares and Standby

CATCA and NAV Canada implemented modified schedules across the country. Some of these schedules include spare or standby shifts. As we work through implementation of these new practices, we face challenges with hours of work and payment of premiums. It is important to remember there are no provisions in the collective agreement for spares or standby shifts so as issues arise, we must work together with NAV Canada to overcome the challenges presented by these new schedules. All of these changes must be negotiated.

Hours of work for standby and spare shifts will be scheduled. You will only be on standby for the scheduled shift, or part of it if called in. If a scheduled shift is moved, it will be subject to SNSC. We do not anticipate shifts being moved, or shifts being extended, in order to maintain the integrity of the crew system.  Operational employees must be available to report for work at any time during their scheduled standby shift. If you are a spare or on standby and you are called in, failure to report will result in the entire shift being leave without pay.  If you are unable to report for your shift, you must request leave or call in sick in advance of being asked to report.

Any leave taken will correspond to the hours the employee on a spare or standby was scheduled to work. If the shift was 9:42 and a leave request or sick call occurs, 9:42 hours will be deducted from the appropriate leave bank. If the shift was 8 hours, then 8 hours of leave will be deducted.

Article 22 of the collective agreement states that for shift premiums, hours must be “worked”. Accordingly, evening and weekend premiums will only be paid for hours actually worked. Hours scheduled as standby or as a spare will not receive evening or weekend premiums.

Because midnight shifts require an individual to make disruptive preparations to their daily life to be prepared to work, CATCA and NAV Canada are in agreement that midnight premiums will be paid for shifts where an individual is scheduled to be spare or on standby.

These provisions will take effective immediately. Any premiums that may have been previously paid will not be recovered.

On Behalf of the Executive Board;

Peter Duffey                                                                     Doug Best
President                                                                          Executive Vice President

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