New Leave Carry Over Provision

February 14, 2020

The recently ratified collective agreement contains a new provision on leave carryover which states:

Each employee will be entitled to carry over up to 21 days leave. The 21 days shall be reduced by the number of days, if any, carried over in the year prior. Example:

  • An employee who has carried 21 days of leave in one year shall not be allowed to carry over any leave in the following year.
  • An employee who has carried 10 days of leave in one year shall be allowed to carry over 11 days of leave in the following year.
  • An employee who has carried 0 days of leave in one year shall be allowed to carry over 21 days of leave in the following year.

For ease of transition, CATCA and NAV Canada have agreed that this year, all members will be able to carry over 21 days of leave. Adjustments to carryover as described above will commence at the end of the 2020/2021 leave year.

On behalf of the Executive Board,


Peter Duffey                                         Doug Best
President                                              Executive Vice President


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