Attached, as required by By-law 21.4, is a list of amendments to the By-laws of the Association, which will be voted on at the upcoming Triennial Convention in Halifax and as required by Article 11.8 of Section III, is a list of proposed resolutions.
Each amendment and proposal is presented in its original wording as submitted to the National Office.
You are urged to ensure that all your members have the opportunity to study these amendments and proposals and to discuss them at a Branch Meeting prior to Convention.
The members should be reminded that, in accordance with the By-laws, the attached amendments are the only ones that may be voted on at the 2016 Convention, in accordance with article 21.6.
Due to a change in the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, the Policy Manual must be amended to conform with the changes to the Act. As a result, in conjunction with legal counsel, the Board is proposing the following three (3) documents which will take the place of the original Policy Manual.
- Corporate By-laws (click here for marked-up version)
- Union By-laws (click here for marked-up version)
- Policy Book (click here for marked-up version)
An important rationale and the new documents are included in this package. Also included are the marked-up reference documents that show what will be presented at Convention for Delegates’ discussion and approval.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the National Office.
In Solidarity,
Peter Duffey Doug Best
President Executive Vice President
Click here for the PDF.