2022 Employee Experience Survey

October 14, 2022

2022 Employee Experience Survey

On October 12th, NAV Canada announced an Employee Experience Survey in NAV Canada Now.  It is now active and will run until October 30, 2022. This is not an engagement survey like in the past but it is about your experience at NAV Canada, which is quite similar. CATCA encourages you to participate in the survey and let your voice be heard.

The Union uses results of the survey to help identify areas of concern – areas we can work to improve for your benefit.

The last few years were troubling and not easy for our membership.  We can’t emphasize enough how important it is that our members complete this survey. In the past, we had the lowest response rates in the Company which means we were not presenting an accurate picture of our experience/engagement levels. By default, this weakens the accuracy of the overall experience/engagement numbers for NAV Canada. Your Union is asking you to complete the survey honestly, giving an accurate picture of our membership experience. The survey takes only about 5-10 minutes (32 questions), depending on the number of comments you leave.

You can easily access to the survey via this link: Survey

On behalf of the Executive Board, thank you for participating.


Nick von Schoenberg                                                             Scott Loder

President                                                                                 Executive Vice President

Click here for the PDF

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