At the recent NAV Canada AGM, CEO Neil Wilson stated that “Our last employee engagement survey… the combined total of engaged and somewhat engaged employees at 88 per cent.”
And on February 8, he announced a new company mission statement: “To be a world leader in the provision of safe, efficient and cost-effective air navigation services on a sustainable basis while providing a professional and fulfilling work environment for our employees.”
Wilson said “The key difference… is that… we now also emphasize our commitment to employees.”
NAV Canada relies on these surveys to gauge its success on employee engagement. They will also use them to measure the achievement of their new mission statement going forward.
Tell NAV Canada how you feel
We are asking all members to complete the survey so the Company knows what you’re thinking – the good, the bad, the indifferent. The most important thing is to participate. As of February 11, 2016, Operations still has the lowest response rate at 35.6%. Please take this opportunity to be heard.
The survey runs until February 29, 2016. See the Central homepage for more information.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for participating.
Peter Duffey Doug Best
President Executive Vice President
Click here for the PDF.