2016 CATCA Convention: Important Information; Registration, Travel, Member Participation

Registration for the 2016 CATCA Convention in Halifax, Nova Scotia at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, April 6-8, 2016 is now open.


The Registration and Travel Form must be submitted online to the National Office. All registrations must be received by February 25, 2016. Only electronically submitted forms will be accepted.

To complete the form, please:

  1. Download the PDF to your desktop
  2. Complete the form in Adobe Reader
  3. Submit using the built in “SUBMIT” button on the form

Registration fees are as follows:

Delegates $175.00      Official Observers $185.00     Member Observers $200.00

Your registration fee cheque must be made payable to “CATCA Convention” and mailed to:

CATCA Convention, 304 – 265 Carling Ave. Ottawa, ON K1S 2E1


Please complete the Registration and Travel Form

  • Accommodation: Per Section IV, para. 4.4 of the Policy Manual, CATCA will pay only half the room rate for each Delegate.
    • i.e.: If a Delegate chooses to share with someone other than another Delegate, that Delegate will be responsible for the other half of the room cost.
  • Travel: As per Section IV, para. 4.2 of the Policy Manual all arrangements will be done through National Office.
    • The official travel days are Tuesday, April 5, 2016 (arrival) and Saturday, April 9, 2016 (departure). If you are arriving earlier or staying later, all additional room charges and ground transportation is at your cost.
    • Please complete the Flight Booking Form and submit to National Office.
    • Those choosing to travel via private vehicle will be reimbursed for mileage up to the cost of the most economical airfare that would have been incurred.
  • Entitlements: As per Section IV, para. 4.3 of the Policy Manual 5 days per diem for April 5-9; $90.00 per Convention day, $65.00 per travel day (where applicable) less any meals provided by CATCA.
    • Shift Coverage will not be covered by CATCA
    • Cheques will be given to Delegates at Convention
      • Per diem, accommodation, travel allowance, mileage/airfare (if applicable), less registration fee
  • Distribution of Votes – As per Section III, para. 11.1 of the Policy Manual:
    • In any Convention year, determination of Branch entitlement to Convention Delegates and delegation votes shall be based on the number of active members shown on the National Office records as of January 15.
      • Note: The B&F distributed on January 6, 2016 shows allocations to December 31, 2015. While we do not anticipate any changes, please advise National Office of any changes.
    • Each branch shall be entitled to one (1) Delegate for the first thirty (30) members of that branch and one (1) additional for each additional thirty (30) members or part thereof.


Please complete the Registration and Travel Form

  • Accommodation: As per Section III, para. 11.2 of the Policy Manual, Official Observers are responsible for the total room costs.
  • Travel: As per Section IV, para. 4.2 of the Policy Manual all arrangements will be done through National Office.
    • The official travel days are Tuesday, April 5, 2016 (arrival) and Saturday, April 9, 2016 (departure). If you are arriving earlier or staying later, all additional room charges and ground transportation is at your cost.
    • Please complete the Flight Booking Form and submit to National Office.
    • Those choosing to travel via private vehicle will be reimbursed for mileage up to the cost of the most economical airfare that would have been incurred.
  • Entitlements: CATCA will fund travel for the selected Observers consistent with Section IV, para. 4.2, of the Policy Manual.
    • Cheques will be given to Official Observers at Convention
      • Travel allowance, mileage/airfare (if applicable)
  • Participation: As per Section III, para. 11.2 of the Policy Manual, each Branch/Facility is entitled to at least one (1) Observer. Branches with more than three (3) delegates will be allowed one (1) additional Observer for each additional three (3) Delegates or portion thereof.


Please complete the Registration and Travel Form

  • Member Observers are to incur their own costs and make their own travel arrangements.
  • Accommodation: National Office will book hotel accommodations at the Member Observer/Branch’s expense.

We look forward to seeing you in Halifax!

Click here for the PDF

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