August 21, 2019
We regret to announce the resignation of our Labour Relations Advisor, Grant Boland. Grant has been a vital part of the application of our existing collective agreements, and the recent collective bargaining processes with NAV Canada, Transport Canada and Serco. We wish Grant the best as he returns to his role at the Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO) from which he was on a leave of absence.
While we are disappointed to lose Grant, we are extremely pleased to welcome Deborah (Debbie) Cooper to the CATCA team as Director of Labour Relations and General Counsel.
Debbie comes to us from the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) where she acted as General Counsel. She brings to CATCA an extensive career in labour relations including:
- General Secretary of the National Joint Council (NJC) of the Public Service of Canada.
- Employment and labour lawyer at a private practice, including in-house at two federal bargaining agents in 2005 and 2009.
- Director in the Labour Relations and Compensation Division of a large federal department from 2012 to 2013.
- Previously worked in Paris, France at UNESCO and the Canadian Embassy.
Debbie holds an Honours Bachelor Degree from the University of Ottawa, a Law Degree from the University of Western Ontario, and is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, having been called to the Bar of Ontario in 1997.
Debbie will begin her role with CATCA in early September.
Please join us in wishing Grant the very best of luck and the greatest of success in the future, and welcoming Debbie to the CATCA team.
In solidarity,
Peter Duffey Doug Best
President Executive Vice President
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