Bargaining Bulletin #9: Week Six in Cornwall

April 18, 2019

The CATCA Contract Committee and the NAV Canada bargaining team met in Cornwall this week, April 15-18, for the sixth full week of contract negotiations. This was a shortened week due to Friday’s Easter holiday.

Progress continues to be made on issues, and the team anticipates tabling a full proposal including monetary items at the next week of bargaining. Both sides will resume bargaining immediately following our convention in Banff. Dates have been scheduled for May 6 – 10.

We are acutely aware members are now working without a collective agreement and that a fair contract is deserved by the people we represent. We will not, however, rush this process at the expense of attaining the best collective agreement we can achieve. Again, we stress that we are still making progress, albeit slowly, on issues.

We again thank the membership for their patience and support as we continue this process.  We also again remind members that all collective agreements CATCA ratified after expiry have always included full retroactivity on wages, overtime and premiums.

On behalf of the Contract Committee,


Peter Duffey                                                    Doug Best
President                                                         Executive Vice President


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