Bargaining Bulletin #10: Week Seven in Ottawa

May 9, 2019

This week, CATCA tabled a comprehensive proposal to NAV Canada that included proposals on wage increases and premiums. The outline of a final, all-encompassing settlement, has been presented to NAV Canada.

Throughout this week, progress continued on a number of issues and the talks continued to be positive. NAV Canada has requested time to analyze and cost CATCA’s proposal and further dates will be scheduled when possible. Your contract committee is committed to working through the summer as required to reach a final settlement.

The contract committee is acutely aware of two issues that are fast approaching. The first is the seniority bid that normally runs in June, and the second is the 2.25 overtime rate for the summer that was in place previously for the period June 15th to September 15th.

On the first issue, NAV Canada has confirmed its commitment to run a national seniority bid in June of this year for training opportunities in 2020. On the second issue of the 2.25 overtime rate for the summer period, your contract committee asked NAV Canada to extend the same terms and conditions for this summer period as it is unlikely the teams will meet again before it would normally start on June 15. NAV Canada has agreed to the 2.25 overtime rate for this summer as a sign of continued good will in this bargaining process. During the same period, the provisions surrounding the usage of TOIL that applied last summer will again be in effect. NAV Canada will not be required to approve TOIL requests or provide alternate dates between June 15th and September 15th, but they may still approve TOIL requests at their discretion. Any time banked during that period will accumulate at 2 times the amount of hours worked.

We thank the membership for their patience and support as we continue this process. Members are reminded that all collective agreements CATCA has ratified after expiry have always included full retroactivity on monetary items. The contract committee remains committed to continue working towards a final settlement that the CATCA membership will soundly ratify.

On behalf of the Contract Committee,


Peter Duffey                              Doug Best
President                                   Executive Vice President


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