There are a lot of words to describe how we controllers from Fort McMurray feel right now – anxious, uncertain, determined, resolute.
When we think about what our brothers and sisters of CATCA and the greater aviation community have done for us and our families, there are two emotions that stand out – extremely humbled & extremely proud.
The truth is that we are much better off than many of our fellow evacuees, NAV Canada and CATCA have been working hand in hand to ensure we are as comfortable as possible during these difficult times. To see the outpouring of support from the CATCA executive and our peers is beyond anything we could’ve imagined.
We’re not sure what we’ll use the raised funds for quite yet, we’ll let the dust settle in YMM first. As we prepare to return to Fort McMurray please know that we are honoured to be amongst your number.
Thank you CATCA members, from the entire Fort McMurray Tower family. A special thank you to Charley Langston, Jerry Brodt & Peter Duffey for spearheading this initiative.
Craig Morrison
CATCA Fort McMurray Tower
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